Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Increasing Learn Spirit

Increasing Learn Spirit

Lazy to study is a 'disease' that always alight on students. Maybe you often feels it. Even less when you learn, just read ten minutes, suddenly your eyes feel so sleepy-can not be compromise. Sleepy always. It is different when you watching tv, your eyes can be your friend. It is strange, isn't it? so, how the solution to handle it?
Do you want just be an 'onlooker' in the class? never want to be 'actor'. Just quiet, while other competes for be the best student. Don't you called failed student?
Lazy to study is not only caused makes you stupid, but also caused not laudable doing. If you don't want to study, you will not answer the test questions. Finally, cheat in class will be the last alternative that shows dishonest, not confident, does not want to try, lie to ownself and other. 
  Learn all of sudden when you will face the exam is not effective. Learn along night makes you so sleepy and dizzy in the morning. Finally, you can not consent. So, there are a 'medicine' for handle it :
 1. Manage your time. Don't ever muff time, because time that gone will not ever return. Priority for study.
2. Accustom good alive patterns. Sleep enough (between 6-8 clock), regularly sport, and eat food that well for your body with balance nutrients. Remember 'Mensana in Corpore Sano', meaning 'in health body founded health soul'.
3. Make daily activity schedule, so that all of your activity planned well.
4. Learn with good manner. Praying before study and focus. When you feel so tired, stop it. Refresh your mind with watching tv maybe, listening a music, stand up, rileks sit, or walking around the room. After that, you continue to study.
5. Choice time to study that suitable with your condition. Evening is a good time for study memorizing lessons and morning time is suitable for calculate lessons. Study step by step. Don't congest your lesson. Remember, is capable because usually!'.
So, learn whilst still young, because our brain still 'okay'. Like a quote 'learning at child time as write above stone, while learning at adult time as write above water, not leave a trace absolutely.
Always spirit and don't do many sigh.
This is my first article that published on the Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper (Belia Corner) at 3rd April 2007
Picture :
Sari AsQolany
Pondok Mawar Pelangi
21:00 pm  
kalau ada kesalahan dalam mentranslate, harap dikomentari.. :)   


Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

The Prayer Strength in The Midnight

If everyone knows about superiority and big secret that implied in the ending of night time, undoubtedly they will not let pass night time expire off, without do religious activities or dzikir -praying in it, principally when midnight time or one-third night last comes. In there, we can get specility of time that will be got.
"Actually in the night time there is a time that will not be accepted by a moslem prays to beg to Allah for kindness in the world and salvation hereafter, but will be granted his prayers in everynight (if he continuous qiyamul lail)" (HR. Muslim)

Yeah ! midnight time or one-third night last is a time that really good for submitting prayers and our requests to Allah. Because, whatever we want or beg in that time, so Insyaallah (if Allah permits) will be granted and be fact soon. There are so much stories from 'choice one' that reaches success and alive miracle, because the one who studies past is the one who ready to face future.

If there is a get up together action in the midnigt (qiyamul lail) for all moslem, where the people admit believe in God want to do sholat fardu and bring to life their night with tahajjud, dzikir, sholawat, tadarus and pray for themselves, their family, and for salvation and welfare moslems in Indonesia especiallay and entire the world commonly. InsyaAllah islam will steady and this is exemplified by our prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wassalam (may Allah bless and give him peace).

There are big succes sectrets of Rasulullah where does his success noted in history and known generally either by muslim or kufar and munafiq people, there are :
1. Attitude of Rasulullah that is perfect, that we can studied in every his siroh tarikh or some books about his biography.
2. His firm in building his strength, educated his family, stimulated his best friends by sholat, pray and patient, 'wasta'inuu bisobri washolah'.
3. Rasulullah arranges strength by umat and berjamaah (support unity), although if Allah has an intention could won this religion only with Rasulullah alone. 'walaw yasaa'ullahu lantasaro minkum'
4. Rasulullah always invites us to get up in the midnight and sholat together.

Translated by Sari AsQolany
Source :
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Sari AsQolany
Pondok Mawar Pelangi
Jatinangor, Sumedang
24 Februari 2013... 12.11 pm (cagub and cawagub select moment)

Jika masih banyak kesalahan dalam tranlating, harap dimaklum.. masih belajar ^_^

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Hajar Aswad

Speciality of Hajar Aswad

What is speciality or importance of Hajar Aswad? Why the people want to kiss it at the pilgrim or umroh time although sometimes without caring safety self and other or even hurt another person?
Rasulullah Muhammad SAW (May Allah Bless dan Give Him Peace) explained, hajar aswad was a stone that was demoted by Allah SWT (The Almighty and Most Worthy of Praise) from the heaven which was at the first time its color was whiter than milk, but sins of mankind changed it be black.

Ibnu Abbas Ra, said : Rasulullah SAW said that hajar aswad go down from heaven (jannah) colored whiter than milk. And then, sins of people that changed it to be reddish black, presented in the corner of south ka'bah. It was height approximately 1,10 m from top soil and patch in the ka'bah wall.

Ibnu Abbas Ra, said : Rasulullah SAW said hajar aswad initially shaped stone with diameter around 30 cm, caused various event that befall it. And now, hajar aswad that was remained was eight of a little stone like grains as big as that was surrounded by silver frame, but not all that found at silver frame was hajar aswad.

Items of hajar aswad was in the middle of frame. This items that touched and kissed by jamaah of pilgrim. Hajar aswad always glorified since jahiliyah time up to islam comes.

Rasulullah SAW confirmed that he will be witness at doomsday for the man who touched hajar aswad. Ibnu Abbas Ra, told that Rasulullah SAW said, Allah will arise this stone on disaster with has two eyes to see and tongue to speak that will be witness for man who touched it truly (HR. Ahmad Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Khuzaimah and Hakim).

In pilgrim and umroh activty, first doing that must be done by one who want to do thawaf is kiss or touch or give hint from a distance to hajar aswad.

Jabir bin Abdullah told, when Rasulullah SAW reached Makkah, he visited hajar aswad and touched it by hand and then walked to its right. he ran with a little running as much as three rotations and walked four rotations (HR. Bukhori).

And the prophet Muhammad SAW also kiss that stone at pilgrim time and then followed by the people. Umar Ra, told that he came to hajar aswad and kissed it, and then told 'I knowed that you (hajar aswad) were just stone that didn't endangered and give benefit. And if I didn't Rasulullah Muhammad SAW kissed you, so i would not kiss you' (HR. Bukhori Muslim).

If the person can not kiss it in pilgrim or umroh trip, he may touch it by hand or by a thing, and than kiss a hand or that thing.

Kissing hajar aswad in pilgrim or umroh trip is a sunnah, while hit another person is prohibited. So, don't do prohibited for get sunnah. Hence, for jamaah of pilgrim don't forced to kiss or touch hajar aswad if the condition does not make possible. Even less, if until hurt and endanger another person. That is prohibited deed that will damage pilgrim religious service fullness.

Wallahu a’lam bish shawab.

Sorce   : Republika – Ustadz Erick Yusuf, Pemrakarsa Training iHAQi (Integrated Human Quotient) posting at
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Ditranslate oleh : Sari AsQolany
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Semoga bermanfaat

Sari AsQolany
23 Februari 2013
*Efek ingin pergi umroh :)