Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

The Prayer Strength in The Midnight

If everyone knows about superiority and big secret that implied in the ending of night time, undoubtedly they will not let pass night time expire off, without do religious activities or dzikir -praying in it, principally when midnight time or one-third night last comes. In there, we can get specility of time that will be got.
"Actually in the night time there is a time that will not be accepted by a moslem prays to beg to Allah for kindness in the world and salvation hereafter, but will be granted his prayers in everynight (if he continuous qiyamul lail)" (HR. Muslim)

Yeah ! midnight time or one-third night last is a time that really good for submitting prayers and our requests to Allah. Because, whatever we want or beg in that time, so Insyaallah (if Allah permits) will be granted and be fact soon. There are so much stories from 'choice one' that reaches success and alive miracle, because the one who studies past is the one who ready to face future.

If there is a get up together action in the midnigt (qiyamul lail) for all moslem, where the people admit believe in God want to do sholat fardu and bring to life their night with tahajjud, dzikir, sholawat, tadarus and pray for themselves, their family, and for salvation and welfare moslems in Indonesia especiallay and entire the world commonly. InsyaAllah islam will steady and this is exemplified by our prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wassalam (may Allah bless and give him peace).

There are big succes sectrets of Rasulullah where does his success noted in history and known generally either by muslim or kufar and munafiq people, there are :
1. Attitude of Rasulullah that is perfect, that we can studied in every his siroh tarikh or some books about his biography.
2. His firm in building his strength, educated his family, stimulated his best friends by sholat, pray and patient, 'wasta'inuu bisobri washolah'.
3. Rasulullah arranges strength by umat and berjamaah (support unity), although if Allah has an intention could won this religion only with Rasulullah alone. 'walaw yasaa'ullahu lantasaro minkum'
4. Rasulullah always invites us to get up in the midnight and sholat together.

Translated by Sari AsQolany
Source : http://id.shvoong.com/books/dictionary/2019151-dahsyatnya-tengah-malam/
Picture : wahyuababil.blogspot.com

Sari AsQolany
Pondok Mawar Pelangi
Jatinangor, Sumedang
24 Februari 2013... 12.11 pm (cagub and cawagub select moment)

Jika masih banyak kesalahan dalam tranlating, harap dimaklum.. masih belajar ^_^

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