Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Increasing Learn Spirit

Increasing Learn Spirit

Lazy to study is a 'disease' that always alight on students. Maybe you often feels it. Even less when you learn, just read ten minutes, suddenly your eyes feel so sleepy-can not be compromise. Sleepy always. It is different when you watching tv, your eyes can be your friend. It is strange, isn't it? so, how the solution to handle it?
Do you want just be an 'onlooker' in the class? never want to be 'actor'. Just quiet, while other competes for be the best student. Don't you called failed student?
Lazy to study is not only caused makes you stupid, but also caused not laudable doing. If you don't want to study, you will not answer the test questions. Finally, cheat in class will be the last alternative that shows dishonest, not confident, does not want to try, lie to ownself and other. 
  Learn all of sudden when you will face the exam is not effective. Learn along night makes you so sleepy and dizzy in the morning. Finally, you can not consent. So, there are a 'medicine' for handle it :
 1. Manage your time. Don't ever muff time, because time that gone will not ever return. Priority for study.
2. Accustom good alive patterns. Sleep enough (between 6-8 clock), regularly sport, and eat food that well for your body with balance nutrients. Remember 'Mensana in Corpore Sano', meaning 'in health body founded health soul'.
3. Make daily activity schedule, so that all of your activity planned well.
4. Learn with good manner. Praying before study and focus. When you feel so tired, stop it. Refresh your mind with watching tv maybe, listening a music, stand up, rileks sit, or walking around the room. After that, you continue to study.
5. Choice time to study that suitable with your condition. Evening is a good time for study memorizing lessons and morning time is suitable for calculate lessons. Study step by step. Don't congest your lesson. Remember, is capable because usually!'.
So, learn whilst still young, because our brain still 'okay'. Like a quote 'learning at child time as write above stone, while learning at adult time as write above water, not leave a trace absolutely.
Always spirit and don't do many sigh.
This is my first article that published on the Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper (Belia Corner) at 3rd April 2007
Picture :
Sari AsQolany
Pondok Mawar Pelangi
21:00 pm  
kalau ada kesalahan dalam mentranslate, harap dikomentari.. :)   


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